Reno Ukulele Festival 2017
Thursday through Sunday people!!! Reno Ukulele Festival is here!!!. I'm super excited to be attending this amazing event. They will have...

Ukulele Lessons for Sound N Vision Foundation
"Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement" -- Robert John Meehan This is my...

Open Mic Night at the Lunchbox in Visalia
TGIF everyone! Tonight, I'm doing open mic night at the Lunchbox in Visalia CA. Other artist will be performing as well. Come out and...

RIP Al Jarreau
It saddens me to hear that the great and legendary Al Jarreau had passed away today. His music was a big influence in my life since I can...

Sitting in with The Box at Rookies in Visalia CA
I want to give a shout out to The Box. Thank you for having me sit in on your set last night. It was fun and I had a great time. I hope...

World Ukulele Day!!! Feb 2nd
Today is World Ukulele Day!!!! :-) Some people are wondering how I started playing ukulele. Well, it all started six years ago when I...

Reno Ukulele Festival
Hey everyone, this is Edward. Welcome to my official website. Great things are going down for 2017. I'm very thankful and blessed. I...
Bob's Burger Theme song
Tonight, I was going through new material. During my break, Bob's Burger was on TV. I really like the theme song. I remember Aldrine...